Authors Guidelines

All manuscripts submitted for consideration shall abide by the following:

  • Manuscripts and communications are accepted on the understanding that these have not been published nor are being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • Manuscripts and communications are accepted on the understanding that these have not been published nor are being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • The International Journal of Science and Applied Research (IJSAR) follows, with minor modifications, the style, and format of the Scientific Style and Format: The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 1994. 6th (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge).
  • Submitted manuscripts are subjected to check for Similarity Index (by applying appropriate software) with the published papers in different journals and various internet sources.
  • The copyright of manuscripts accepted for publication belongs to the IJSAR. However, authors and other users are allowed an open license (Creative Commons) for immediate free access to the published work and are permitted to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose.
  • All contributions are subjected to editorial revision. Editorial Board/ Editor's decision regarding manuscript acceptance/ rejection will be final.


  • Must contain only the title and authors’ names (surname/family name first and other names) and affiliations indicating the corresponding author using superscript asterisk (*) along with his/her email address. Affiliations of the authors must be differentiated using alphabetical superscripts (a,b,c…) attached to the surname /family name)
  • The authors may suggest (optional) 3 potential reviewers not below the level of Senior Lecturer or Chief Research Officer or its equivalent in related careers, with their designation, institutional address, telephone number (if any), and official email address along with the area of expertise.
  • Reviewers from the same institute where research was conducted are not acceptable.


  • Title: It should be brief and relevant. It must contain the essentials of the report that reflect the contents accurately (No author’s names or address).
  • Abstract: The abstract should be concise containing the objectives, methodology, main results, and conclusions. It should not exceed 250 words. Appropriate keywords between 5 – 7 words must be provided.
  • Introduction: It should be concise, to the point, and must explain clearly the objectives of the study by giving essential background in content to relevant literature.
  • Please use the “name-year” system when citing references in the text. Where more citations appear at one point, list them chronologically and, within years by alphabetical order. For example: (Eze, 1992; Ahmad et al., 1992; Olabisi et al., 1995; Sumera, 1995 a, b; Ogbu 2005, 2006; Pam and Isa, 2007; Tion and Chukwudi, 2008).
  • Materials and Methods must explicitly describe the materials used, the analytical techniques followed and procedures employed for the data analysis. When using the standard method, provide a complete reference. In case a modified method has been applied, then the modification must be elaborated. The year and place of study, laboratory (s) must be indicated. Experimental design (if applicable) and statistical techniques employed for data analysis must be mentioned clearly.
  • Results should be concisely presented using tables and figures. The same data may not be used in both. Appropriate statistical data should be given.
  • Discussion must be developed logically in a proper sequence and should cover the implications and consequences not merely recapitulating the results. It is very important that references be used to corroborate your finding(s) and justified where available.
  • Acknowledgments (optional): In general, strive for a clear straightforward style that shapes up only from an imaginative use of precise, intelligible language. Keep up the literary tone of the presentation, but not at the cost of brevity and clarity.
  • Authors’ contribution: Authors will declare the contribution of each author like KIO and ICC conceived and designed the review/project/study. UUE, PDL and LEH executed the experiment and analyzed the sera and tissue samples. IJA analyzed the data. All authors interpreted the data, critically revised the manuscript for important intellectual contents and approved the final version. Place author’s contribution before references.
  • References: List all references under the heading References in alphabetical order by the authors’ surname or family name or last name. Make sure that references quoted in the text are listed. Several papers by the same author and same year must be followed by a, b, c, etc. after the year. The use of standard abbreviations is preferred. Following information must be provided for each reference.
  • Author or authors’ surname and initials; Year of publication; Title of paper/book; Abbreviated name of journal (Do not italicize); Volume (issue number); inclusive pages with reference links where available. For books and proceedings, name of publisher and location is needed.

Submitted manuscripts shall normally be circulated for peer review without the author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s). Papers accepted for publication shall attract a publication fee of Twenty Thousand Naira (N20,000) for authors resident in Nigeria and Fifty US Dollars ($50.00) for authors in other countries of the world payable in the manner and details ealier prescribed. The editorial team reserves the right to accept or reject manuscripts where it is unavoidable and such decision is final. However, under such circumstances, author(s) shall be entitled to a refund of publication fee subject to 10% administrative charge. Processing fees normally used for peer review are not refundable.

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